As you may be aware, a case of Avian Influenza (AI) has been detected at a commercial chicken farm in Suffolk.
DEFRA has issued the statement below on the issue:
27,000 birds will be culled at the farm and a 1km restriction zone is in place around the farm to limit the risk of disease spreading further.
Public Health England has confirmed that the risk to public health is very low and the Food Standards Agency has said that bird flu does not pose a food safety risk for UK consumers.
In addition, all of our egg products are cooked and pasteurised to levels exceeding legal requirements.
Following a detailed and thorough check of our records and supplier base, we can confirm no eggs supplied by us have originated from these premises and we are not affected by this incident.
Should you have any questions or queries regarding this issue, please contact Sagar or Pankaj on (0116) 2742822 or alternatively use the email addresses below:
Sagar Pancholi
Pankaj Pancholi